Apply to a High School Summer Program

First-Time Users
To Start a New Application:
Create an account
The student should create the account using his/her email, not a parent, teacher, or guardian.
Returning Users
To Continue an Application:
We are no longer accepting applications for The Land and Literature of England; Sir Winston Churchill and World War II; or Western Civilization: Visions from Italy as these programs and waitlists have reached capacity
Requirements to Apply:
- Liberty and Learning Youth Conference
Applicants must be a high school freshman, sophomore, or junior at the time of submitting the application.
- High school graduates are not eligible for this program.
- Minimum age of 15 by the start of the program.
Applicants must be a high school freshman, sophomore, or junior at the time of submitting the application.
- Travel Program (International and D.C.)
Applicants must be a high school sophomore or junior at the time of submitting the application.
- High school graduates are not eligible for this program.
- Minimum age of 15 by the start of the program.
- Have U.S. citizenship
Applicants must be a high school sophomore or junior at the time of submitting the application.
Application Deadlines:
- February 15 for travel programs (or until a program reaches capacity).
- April 1 for Liberty and Learning Youth Conferences (or until a program reaches capacity).
Important Information:
- The student should complete the application, not a parent, teacher, or guardian.
- Completed applications will be reviewed in the order they are received.
- Once an application is completed, applicants can expect a decision in 3-4 weeks starting in December.